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Rebuilding the Declaration Data Warehouse

The Declaration Find feature in Sequoia queries data in a database separate to the main Sequoia database. As a result, if additional columns are added to the Declaration Find results then the data in this separate database would need to be rebuilt.

There is a feature built into the Sequoia Install / Upgrade application which handles this rebuilding process.

The Sequoia Install / Upgrade application is run on the Sequoia server. By default there will be a shortcut on the desktop:

ASM Sequoia Installer shortcut

Alternatively, the ASM.Sequoia.Server.Installer.exe program can be found in the <installation drive>\Program Files (x86)\ASM\Sequoia Server\<version number> directory.

Once the program has loaded, choose the Updates Data Warehouse option in the menu on the left hand side:

ASM Sequoia Installer application menu

On the right hand side of the application, tick the CDS Declaration Search option (the top option, "Declaration Search", will rebuild the database with all CHIEF declaration data - we recommend you do not tick this option unless advised to do so by ASM).

Update CDS Declaration Search

Click the Update Tables button.

A process will start which will rebuild all of the CDS declaration data in the Declaration Find database.

This process will take some time depending on the number of declarations created, the Declaration Find feature in Sequoia can still be used but the results may not be completely accurate until the rebuild has completed.

A warning indicating the process has started will be logged to Event Viewer.

Event Viewer showing process started warning

A similar warning will be logged when the process has completed.

Event Viewer showing process completed warning