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Sequoia Database Growth


As part of Sequoia development the ASM Development Team created a load testing application to gauge the performance of Sequoia over different server configurations.

Batches of declarations were run through a test server and each batch consisted of 3500 Declarations, 3500 Jobs and 5000 ERTS records.

The main Sequoia database was noted to grow by 92MB per batch.

Projected Database Growth

The following projections are based on a workload of 1500 declarations per month or 6000 per quarter.

SequoiaDB Growth

This is the projected growth chart for the SequoiaDB database.

SequoiaDB Growth Chart

SequoiaDataWarehouseDB Growth

This is the projected growth chart for the SequoiaDataWarehouseDB database.

SequoiaDataWarehouseDB Growth Chart